Monday, December 28, 2015

Cheers to the Holidays

So... I was thinking... In the spirit of the holidays, how about we pretend it hasn’t been four months since my last post. Good lord, at this point I feel more like a guest blogger on my own blog… So lemme just take a few minutes to update you so we all feel like friends again.

Last time I posted, I believe it was the tail end of summer. So to wrap that up, the rest of summer was hot as shit, so I basically just did my best to stay cool.

I spent all fall watching football, going to Vegas with a few of my fav guys, and blowing the whole maid of honor thing out of the water.  Then I ended the season with a bang by blacking out, spraining my ankle, falling in a puddle, and knocking myself out when I caught my fall with my chin... So that was my Halloween treat.


Obviously decked my halls per the usual, and attended a handful of holiday events. For the second year in a row, I went to a fun little cookie exchange, but this year I actually made my cookies. #winning ... My best friend also hosted her first favorite things party which was the sweetest event ever. We all brought one of our favorite things for each party guest, then got to go home with everyone's fav treats. Such a fun way to get to know people... So now each party guest assumes that my life consists of drinking wine and eating ALL the chocolate, which isn't necessarily inaccurate. In fact, I also did a little holiday wine tasting in Woodinville with some friends and I joined a wine club. Let me just tell you, I have never felt fancier. Suddenly, they took us from the tasting room with the peasants to the swankiest room with good shit. Even the wine glasses were at another level in there. Plus, there were old-timey carolers in the winery which is an instant win.

The holiday season was so fun in Seattle this year, and it got me so amped to go home for Christmas to keep the celebration going. As usual, I got home and immediately met up with some friends after INHALING a smoked ham sandwich with my dad. It was so great to catch up with a few of my fav people that I hadn't seen in way too long. Also, it turns out that partying at a Chinese restaurant is totally my jam. Everybody wins when Fried Rice comes home with you at 2:00 am. I proceeded to drag my ass out of bed just in time for Parkmas. Cheers to old friends, kick ball, and drinking a half a fifth before noon on Christmas Eve... HOLAAAA. I also got to celebrate with my dad's side of the family, complete with a bright pink prime rib that is currently making my mouth water. As usual, my sister and I chased family Christmas Eve with a night out with friends, once again reuniting with some of my favorites that I hadn't seen in way too long. Christmas with my mom's fam was just delightful as usual. I loved drinking Old Fashions with Gram, watching my mom wobble around on my cousin's hover board, and letting my cousin HACK my hair off. Guys, it's so short!! I also got an extra special surprise because one of my very best friends, Branden, was unable to make it out of town with his wife, so instead he spent the holiday with us! My family was SO excited to see him. B and I ended the night with our friend Casey at the trashiest dive bar we could find, because what is Christmas without a drunk guy singing the Beatles on his old guitar? Finally, my sister and I headed to Portland on the 26th to celebrate with our auntie. It was such a great holiday filled with so many laughs and loved ones, I couldn't have asked for more!


Outside of seasonal happenings, I started a new job! It was a little crazy and spontaneous, but an old boss offered my a position a couldn't refuse. I love working for him again and am enjoying learning a new job in a new industry.

Also, I am officially an adult... My friends and I have started taking turns hosting weekly wine nights, soooo... feel free to admire what a grown up I have become. Don't worry that Hip Hop BBQ Pandora is the music of choice, we are still classy as shit #wednesdayswedrinkwine

So, let's cheers to the holidays and to catching up like old friends do!