Wednesday, November 22, 2017

End of Fall

I can feel it. Days are getting shorter, nights are getting colder.... Fall is officially coming to an end. It always feels like the shortest season because everyone is in such a hurry to spread their Christmas Cheer, but I did my very best to savor the season over the weekend. 

I spent a cozy Friday evening by the fire with friends, watching New Girl and making a home cooked meal. Since we weren't hung over Saturday, which is always a fun feeling, we went to the gym and got grocery shopping for the week knocked out. Then, I got an exciting call that a friend had tickets to The Bodyguard and asked if I would like them. Although I had never seen the movie, I basically worship all things Whitney, so I jumped at the opportunity. Chris and I got all dressed up and headed to the matinee showing.
Oh my goodness, the show was amazing. It felt as much like a concert as it did like a play. I am pretty sure I cried through every second of I Will Always Love You and had to try and reign in my moves during I Wanna Dance With Somebody. It was a blast. 

Sunday was a great day for errands, mimosas, & a few items from the Fall Checklist! After the gym, Chris and I hit up the Ballard Farmers Market where I swooped up a beautiful bouquet of dried flowers and got a delicious pour over coffee from the cutest little stand. 

 Disclaimer, Sunflowers were out of season and I am not crazy about sweet drinks so I am chalking this up to my flowers and basic fall latte. 

Finally, I got up early yesterday to complete one of the last items on my list: make my first pot roast. Let me just tell you, it may not have been pretty, but DAMN was it good!  
I used this recipe, and it was perfect. Simple and flavorful. What more can you ask for?

All and all, I may not have totally completed the checklist, but it was definitely a season to remember.

Cheers to Fall! 

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