Wednesday, May 4, 2016

WCW Volume 2

Happy Hump Day!
In honor of her recent visit, allow my to introduce my #wcw for the week and one of my very best friends:

Tay is not only one of my best friends, but she is also one of my oldest. I can't even remember when we met, as far as I know she has always just been an extension of me. We are often asked if we're sisters, and honestly, we might as well be. We grew up next door to one another, and we spent most of our childhood inseparable. Tay would smell the BBQ, come over to fix herself a plate, then head right back home. We have spent too much time together to even begin to recollect it all. Some days we spend hours swapping "remember whens" and scream laughing at all our fun memories.

Why I Love Her: Do you have a week? The list of reasons are countless. Tayla just gets me. I can throw her a text like "Chicckeeeennn" and she knows I mean "get your ass to Seattle so we can deep throat some Pesos Fried Chicken." And I know that when we DO get that fried chicken, she will pack up half of it (even though she isn't full) just to have leftovers (which she, under no circumstance, will share). I can spend an entire weekend with her at Bumbershoot running ourselves ragged or spend 48 hours eating McDonalds and watching Netflix. Also, Tayla is arguably one of the funniest people I have ever known... Which is only arguable because I am also one of the funniest people I know so... I mean, we'll call it a draw. Besides, our senses of humor are basically identical. She is the person I text with any random thought I have, every funny meme, and all of my Facebook Findings. Every phone call I have with Tay are filled with endless giggles, and she is one of the few people I can say "LOL" to and actually mean it. Her social life puts mine to shame, and I find myself living vicariously through her. My Friday Nights aren't complete without a 4:00 AM Facetime from this girl, and Sundays require a catch up call to hear about all her shenanigans.

Favorite Memories: It is totally impossible to condense more than 20 years of friendship into a few favorite memories. There are big memories like trips to Mexico, amazing concerts, and high school reunions; there are small memories like game nights, sleepovers, epic karaoke battles, and drunken nights we can't remember; and there is everything in between. There are so many incredible memories and so many yet to make.

O really haven't even scratched the surface on this girl. She really is just the best and I couldn't even imagine my life without her!


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