Friday, May 27, 2016

Farewell Friday

Happy Friday, Lovelies!
This is a bit of a bittersweet post for me. These next few nights are the last that I will spend in my bachelorette pad. The past two years have been an absolute delight in my precious princess palace, and I am totally devastated to be putting it in my past.
Five years ago I moved to Seattle and found this gem right on Queen Anne Ave (okay, my mom found it for me, but who is keeping score?). It was tiny, old, and completely perfect. It was my very first apartment of my own, and I can’t even begin to say how much I loved it. After a little over a year, I moved out with a few roommates, but eventually found my way back to my original stomping ground. My apartment is filled with adorable décor (#obviously) and is in the most incredible location… But what I love most about this place is the memories it contains.
When I look around, I can’t help but think about all the fun that was had in this place. I think about all the wines nights I hosted while I blared Hip Hop Barbecue Pandora. I remember all the effort I put in to come up with the perfect décor, and the fact that it was totally worth it because my place is adorbs. I remember all the early mornings and late nights I spent studying at the kitchen table, and how thrilled I was sitting crisscross applesauce on the couch as I found out I was officially a CPA. When I look at my couch, I think about how many friends have crashed on it. I think about the times it was enjoyed by out of town guests, and the nights my friends were just to shithoused to take the 5 minute uber ride home. I love remembering all the nights that were spent prefunking at my place because it was so conveniently located, and thinking about all the evenings I found myself at Buckley’s because it was just so damn close. I often wonder if the waitresses thought I was a total huss because I almost always strolled in with a different guy, granted they were usually just friends, but THEY didn’t know that. I love remembering all the cuddles shared in my living room while I try not to remember it being used as a smush room for someone else’s hookup! It was the location I first fell in love, and where I had my first real heartbreak.
This place has been a lot of things to a lot of people, and I feel so lucky to have called it my home.
So, as I say goodbye to my adorable apartment with the cinderblock walls, tiny kitchen, and perfect neighborhood bar right around the corner, I am totally conflicted. While I am so sad to leave my bachelorette pad behind, I can hardly wait to make new memories in the new place! Bring on the uHauls, iced coffees, and yoga pants… It’s moving weekend!\

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Take Out & Trashy TV

Greetings from Dallas!
Okay, guys, I'm feeling like a total jet setter over here! Let me just give you a quick play by play of my recent adventures.
My weekend started a little early with a Red Eye to Chicago with Bri's boyfriend on Thursday night. The bad news, all the bars at the airport were closed... The good news, we packed mini booze bottles and met new best friends who we got good and drunk with before the flight. They were definitely my kind of travelers. We landed in The Windy City early Friday morning and took a town car to a neighboring town. Obviously we insisted that our driver stop at McDonalds to cure our hangovers. Before we could even digest our McGriddles, we were on our train to Maccomb. We were welcomed to the land of Corn Fields and Tractors by Bri's whole family and it was time to really get ready to celebrate Sophie's graduation!
First and foremost, we went to Farm King... Really just the best thing I'd ever seen. It had everything from Camo Crocs to animal feed. Really the perfect way to start the trip. Obviously I spent over $25 dollars there, so I scored a free hat. #winning
After all the excitement, it was time to get started decorating for Sophie's party. I mean, how cute, right?
After hours of hard work, we went to Chubby's to grab a quick bite before getting ready for the party. It was exactly what you would expect in a small Midwestern town and totally perf. I went bonkers for the "pony" that I order. Are you ready for this? It was Texas Toast, with Meatloaf, Crinkle Fries, and Mushrooms topped with CHEESE SAUCE. It was mind blowing.
Next, we headed back to the hotel to primp for the party. OMG you guys, the party was totally elaborate and absolutely perfect. We all had a blast.
Unfortunately, we couldn't party two hard, because Saturday morning it was off to Soph's graduation. We cheered and cried and celebrated Sophie all day... Except for the hours we spent packing  up her house. I swear to god, that was the first and last time it had ever been cleaned. We were all exhausted when the day came to an end and totally thankful to crawl into bed.
This morning, we all said our goodbyes, and it was off to the airport with Breakfast Pizza (so bomb!) in tow. The family headed home and I headed to Dallas for work.
It has such a great weekend, but I am extra exhausted. Therefore, tonight has been spent nestled into the hotel bed with Pad Thai and a little reality television, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. Cheers!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

True Life: I Sweat the Small Things

Oh Heyyyy,
Can we first just talk about how consistent I have been about blogging lately. I’m feeling like a real winner over here.
Anywayyyssss, today, while obsessing over the clothes I left on my made bed, I concluded that I am basically the definition of sweating the small stuff. How crazy is it that my entire apartment is spotless, and all I can think about are the two dresses and tank top that were I left laying on my bed? I mean, who cares, right? Wrong… I care so, I can so much. I care that a few clothing items are currently unhung, I care that my nail polish is starting to chip, I care that the invites to the last party I threw didn’t match the décor, and I care that my wallet and purse don’t currently match. Even as I write this, I realize I am totally OCD, but I seriously can’t help it.
Sometimes, I wish I could be carefree… One of those people that just go with the flow. I wish I was the kind of person that didn’t worry about the gift wrap matching the colors of the present, but that just isn’t me. I can’t help but sweat the small stuff, but I am realizing that it also makes me appreciate the little things. I love the way a paper straw looks in a summer cocktail; my heart smiles at a perfectly made bed; and I adore the look of a mailbox with zero unread messages.
Sure, I am a total psycho, but at least I’m easy to please!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day Bilss

Happy Mother's Day to all of you incredible mommas! I am feeling beyond blessed by all of the amazing moms in my life, especially my own! 

This weekend was a total whirlwind. Friday, while at work, I decided to head home to celebrate Mother's Day with my family. So, I bought a train ticket and headed to Nordstrom Rack to grab a new top, yoga pants, and a pair of panties... You know... The necessities. Then it was homeward bound. I got into town late Friday night and mom and I spent the evening making dinner and sipping on copious amounts of red wine. It was the perfect way to kick off the weekend.

We spent Saturday slaving away in my cousins yard to help her prepare for her upcoming wedding. Needless to say we sweated our asses off... Partially do to the sun, and partially do to the lizards that scared the shit out of us... And we ready to call it quits by 2. Feeling extra tired and extra out of shape, we cleaned up and headed to Gram's house for a few margaritas before going to see Mother's Day with my mom, sister, grandma, auntie, and cousins. It was the ultimate chick flick and the perfect way to celebrate the holiday. We ended the night at a local mexican restaurant where we shared several laughs, jell-o shots, and... of course, more margaritas! Also, my knife was totally magnetic and we had the best time picking up forks with this magical utensil. Totally out of place in this blog, but I had to mention it. I am pretty sure the entire bar hated us, but I loved every minute of it. 

After a lovely breakfast this morning, my mom and I headed back to Seattle. We blasted Toby Keith the entire trip, and found ourselves at my favorite coffee shop for an afternoon pick-me-up and a tasty treat. Then we decided to go for a little mini hike at Discovery Park. We spent about 30 minutes hiking, and about 2 hours looking for the car. Leave it to us, I swear. All I can say it thank goodness for GPS and a good sense of humor.

Despite the confusion, it was the perfect end to the perfect weekend. 

Happy Mother's Day, All!  Hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have <3 

Friday, May 6, 2016

Cinco de Drinko

Hope everyone had an awesome Cinco de Mayo!

You all know I love a good holiday, and Cinco de Mayo is always one of my favs. It is one of those days with zero pressure but tons of potential. Besides, who doesn’t love an excuse to get elbow deep in Mexican Cuisine and throw back a few margs?
Although low key, yesterday was a total success. After work, Bri and I went shopping for our little fiesta. We got all the fixings for Tacos, Nachos, and of course Margaritas! We laughed and feasted until our hearts and stomachs were content. (Side note, spellcheck just turned feasted into fisted which nearly caused me to spit my McDonalds coffee all over this keyboard.) After dinner was all cleaned up, I headed to Cole’s place. We played a few rounds of pool, then walked to the nearest Mexican restaurant to keep the party going with more margaritas. Apparently we weren’t the only ones with this bright idea because La Palma was busting at the seams… We decided to forgo the margs for a few Pacificos at a local pub.

Full disclosure, I was feeling totally old reminiscing on past Cinco de Drinko celebrations:

But… when Cinco de Mayo falls on a Thursday, sometimes you just have to be a big kid and crawl into bed by eleven. #adultingsucks  So, the decision has been made. When you're too old to party hard on a week day... and feeling a little inspired by the margaritas... it is time to start planning another trip to Mexico to put life on pause and relive your glory days.

Hope you guys have an awesome Friday; I’ll just be over here Cabo Dreaming.



Wednesday, May 4, 2016

WCW Volume 2

Happy Hump Day!
In honor of her recent visit, allow my to introduce my #wcw for the week and one of my very best friends:

Tay is not only one of my best friends, but she is also one of my oldest. I can't even remember when we met, as far as I know she has always just been an extension of me. We are often asked if we're sisters, and honestly, we might as well be. We grew up next door to one another, and we spent most of our childhood inseparable. Tay would smell the BBQ, come over to fix herself a plate, then head right back home. We have spent too much time together to even begin to recollect it all. Some days we spend hours swapping "remember whens" and scream laughing at all our fun memories.

Why I Love Her: Do you have a week? The list of reasons are countless. Tayla just gets me. I can throw her a text like "Chicckeeeennn" and she knows I mean "get your ass to Seattle so we can deep throat some Pesos Fried Chicken." And I know that when we DO get that fried chicken, she will pack up half of it (even though she isn't full) just to have leftovers (which she, under no circumstance, will share). I can spend an entire weekend with her at Bumbershoot running ourselves ragged or spend 48 hours eating McDonalds and watching Netflix. Also, Tayla is arguably one of the funniest people I have ever known... Which is only arguable because I am also one of the funniest people I know so... I mean, we'll call it a draw. Besides, our senses of humor are basically identical. She is the person I text with any random thought I have, every funny meme, and all of my Facebook Findings. Every phone call I have with Tay are filled with endless giggles, and she is one of the few people I can say "LOL" to and actually mean it. Her social life puts mine to shame, and I find myself living vicariously through her. My Friday Nights aren't complete without a 4:00 AM Facetime from this girl, and Sundays require a catch up call to hear about all her shenanigans.

Favorite Memories: It is totally impossible to condense more than 20 years of friendship into a few favorite memories. There are big memories like trips to Mexico, amazing concerts, and high school reunions; there are small memories like game nights, sleepovers, epic karaoke battles, and drunken nights we can't remember; and there is everything in between. There are so many incredible memories and so many yet to make.

O really haven't even scratched the surface on this girl. She really is just the best and I couldn't even imagine my life without her!


Monday, May 2, 2016

Monday Must Haves

Happy Monday!
As I read through some of my fav blogs this weekend, I realized that I really enjoy their "Favorites" posts. I thought to myself, "I could totally do that," and am just narcissistic enough to think you might be interested in some of my must have items.  
1. Sabra Individual Hummus Cups - These are so easy and totally delish. Sure, they are a little more expensive than buying a large container, but totally worth it. They stay fresh, are easy to pack, AND are already measured for me since we all know "portion control" isn't in my vocabulary. Did I mention that they are soooo tasty? I have even been known to eat them with a spoon... What can I say, it had been a while since I grocery shopped. These are available at almost all grocery stores, but I usually grab mine at Target.
2. American Rag Plus Sized Jeggings - Okay, so the worst thing ever happened. These jeans, MY JEANS, are being discontinued. I'm beyond devastated. These are legitimately life changing. They are jeans, but might as well be leggings because they are soooo comfy. Plus they are tight enough in the legs while still being comfortable on my stomach. I've let a few friends try mine on, and they have all been amazed. Basically, Macy's is the worst for discontinuing them, but there are a few pairs left if you can snag them up. Here is the UPC Code: 883355874355. I will be spending the next week calling every Macy's in existence to try to find as many as I can.
3. H&M Tank Tops - I wear these under everything. I own about 15 of them. They're long, tight, and cheap... What more do you need out of an undershirt? They can be purchased here.
4. Mophie Phone Case - Best.Case.Ever. I know it is boring compared to all the fun designs that are out there, but this is a must for me. There is an extra battery in the case. I was using my charger so much that I basically had a land line... This has been a game changer! Plus, it has been great at protecting my phone from all of my clumsiness.
5. EOS Hand Lotion - You guys, this stuff is liquid gold. All of the scents smell incredible, and it doesn't leave your hands feeling greasy. Besides, it is totally adorable and fits easily in your purse or pocket. I have them stashed everywhere.
6. Black Ballet Flats - I don't know about you, but I burn through black flats. It doesn't matter how high the quality, they rarely last more than a month. Therefore, I can't justify spending any sizeable amount on a pair of shoes won't even outlast a Netflix series. Cue WALMART ballet flats. I know what you're all thinking, but at 5 bucks a pair, I don't even care. They're comfy, cute, and totally guilt free. Plus, who doesn't need a plain pair of black flats?

7. Neutrogena Grapefruit Cleansing Wipes - Let's face it, some nights I am just as likely to climb Everest as I am to wash my face. These are the perfect solution to my laziness. Plus they smell great and travel well. I always have a few packs on hand.

8. Tasty Bites Madras Lentils - You're welcome. These are another staple in my cupboard. They cook in 60 seconds and taste delicious. I usually try to stock up while at Costco, but you can pick them up at most grocery stores.

There you have it, guys. A few of my personal necessities. I would love to hear all about your must haves! Hope you all have a lovely Monday!


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Weekend Bliss

I do my best not to live for the weekend... But weekends like this one are hard to beat. 

I was stoked that I got to stay in Seattle (it is feeling like a rarity these days), AND have one of my best friends come up to visit. We wasted no time, and started the weekend off at an early happy hour with my current boss and some of my old coworkers. If you know me, you know happy hour always lasts way longer than 60 minutes. A few more friends met up with us, and we kept the party going into the wee hours of the morning. After a few hours and several drinks, one of my old coworker invited us to join him at his friend's James Bond party... "Sure" we thought, "why not." Let me tell you, didn't take us long to find out why not. Here we are in our casual Friday attire and we roll up to a goddamn formal event. We were swimming in a sea of tuxes and cocktail dresses and here I was just praying that my chambray top was covering the hole in my shirt. There were daggers coming from the eyes of every girl in there. Needless to say, we got a quick drink and were out of there as quickly as we came. We finished the night with a couple more bars and a ton of laughs about our awkward encounter. 

The following day we nursed our hang over leftover pizza, then were off for a day of shopping. After hitting up our favorite stores and going to Buffalo Wild Wings for the first time (holy shit, I have been missing out), Tayla and I headed to the baseball field to watch a Zach's game. A few other friends met up with us, and we spent some time playing catch before the game started. Despite being semi petrified of getting hit by the ball the entire time, we had an absolute blast. It turned out to be a perfect day at the field... And don't worry, I picked up a few gummy hamburgers for the game because baseball really isn't worth watching without the stadium food! I didn't realize how much I missed weekends at the ball field. Tayla and I headed back to my place with the best intentions of going out that night, but found ourselves totally exhausted so we stayed in and watched An Idiot Abroad instead. Side note, if you haven't watched it... You are missing out! Tears were streaming down my face the whole night!

Today was truly the definition of Sunday Funday. Waking up NOT hungover was a huge plus, so Tayla and I took advantage of the morning and headed to one of our fav brunch spots. We gorged ourselves on some delicious chicken fried steak before making our way to Archie McPhees, a delightful little gag store full of random treasures including Nsync buttons and unicorn bandaids. We browsed and laughed until it was time for Tay to head home. We said our goodbyes and I headed to a Chris's place to watch the Blazers game. No need to relive that nightmare, so I will move on to our beautiful afternoon on Cole's rooftop deck. It was the perfect way to end the perfect weekend! 

Hope you all had a lovely weekend as well!