Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Sick Storm, Seattle!

Last week, it was predicted that we would be having the biggest storm Seattle had ever seen. Prepare for week long outages, they said. Make sure you have plenty of food and water, they warned. Don't even leave your house, they advised. I prepared! I stocked! And then... I left my goddamn house because NOTHING happened. So much for the stock-pocolypse I had sitting on our kitchen counter and all the wine I was prepared to drink while making all my Oregonian friends jealous of our sweet squall. #stormenvy

What a bust! Luckily, the weekend was still a success.
Friday was my last day at my old job (ohhhh, btw I went back to my old job which is only blocks from my apartment... woo me!) so we spent the evening blaring Lil Dicky at our less than classy wine night where we ate our weight in storm provisions.

Saturday was an adorable day of exploring Capitol Hill.
We started at General Porpoise which had the BEST donuts I have ever experienced. They were so cute and delicious and well worth the trip.

We walked around the hill for a bit, wandering into markets and an adorable book store before checking out the new Starbucks Reserve Roastery &  Tasting Room.
Oh my gosh, you guys! It was awesome! Super cool vibes and lots of fun things to try.

We tried a a few flights of coffee, cold brew, and espresso. How hip are we? Zach and I topped the evening off at a bar crawl in Georgetown. Again, so trendy!

Another highlight was going to The Seattle Meowtropolitan, the cutest coffee shop where you get to play with cats! So fun!

We spent the rest of the day laying around, watching Grey's Anatomy, and cranking up the fire place. It was a cozy end to a not so stormy weekend. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Final Wedding Weekend

Scariest thing to happen this October!? I have no more weddings this year. I honestly can’t believe all of the beautiful celebrations that have come and gone, and am still in the clouds over every last one of them.

This weekend was my final nuptial hurrah, and it was certainly one for the books. My dear friends Chris and Kayla tied the knot in Eugene, OR on Friday which was the perfect excuse for a little road trip. Zach and I headed down after work Thursday and were thrilled to celebrate with the groom a little bit the night before his big day.

An early morning breakfast burrito run, a little sight-seeing, and several cocktails later we were ready to get the lovebirds married!

It was a beautiful ceremony and a perfect reception that led to a rough morning, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way.


Since I was already in Eugene, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to hit up my first Duck game! It kind of worked out flawlessly because I was able to join Caitlin & fam for their traditional tail gate and sit with them during the game. Plus, it was the Huskies v Oregon brawl! Score.

Despite the loss (which was fucking brutal) and all the shit I talked before the game (still hate the huskies, btw), I had a blast!

I got to spend the remainder of the weekend with Cate and Russell. I can’t tell you how nice it was to relax all day Sunday and spend some quality time with the newlyweds. Plus, I didn’t put on a bra all day Sunday… So there’s that.

Cheers to the end of wedding season; arguably the best one yet!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Give Up Dinner and Other Life Thingsss

Well… Yesterday I hit rock bottom on my evening meal. I was dreaming of a take-out box full of Yakisoba from a place down the street, but after laundry & cleaning I was totally exhausted and couldn’t be bothered to leave the house. To the cabinets I went. Then I remembered… they’re empty. Somehow I managed to find some stale noodles and a jar of alfredo sauce. *Light Bulb* There are some frozen Costco hot dogs in the freezer. Score. So that was my dinner… I call it Costco-Dog Carbonara, and I ate every bite of it… So there is that.
Other exciting things in my life include trying a new trivia spot on Monday night and actually kicking ass at it… Granted, Kev answered most of the questions, but Zach and I had a few pretty clutch additions. Last night I got shit done around the house. I am in the process of redoing my bathroom which I am pretty excited about, and looking forward to the last wedding of the season!
Well, two paragraphs and you’re caught up on my life… Just living the dream over here.
Happy Hump Day!

Monday, October 3, 2016

It's October 3rd

Such an iconic day, amiright!?
Really, I love every day of October and am so excited to have started the month out with a bang.
I ended September with my sister and Auntie in Portland. We stayed in for a cozy night of dinner, dessert, and How to be Single… For the third time… Because I need all the pointers I can get. #allthesingleladies
Saturday was full of brunching, pumpkin hunting, baby snuggling, over eating, and over drinking.

All of my favorite things!
Sunday Zach and I headed back to Seattle, but not before some last minute snuggles with my sister and cousin, homemade mac and cheese, football, lifetime movies, and a tiny bit of puking. Good news, it wasn’t me!

It is always sad to say goodbye, but Zach and I gave ourselves a Papa Murphy’s & Movie Night light at the end of the Portland to Seattle tunnel. Is there anything cozier?
Other honorable mentions from the weekend include:

The Rosé & Strawberries Chlo and I owned on Friday Night
This Iced Coffee Recipe that we tried out Saturday morning and LOVED
And this perfect double rainbow that basically made my whole life
Hope you all had the best weekends and are embracing all the fall fun this season.
Cheers to October!