Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Holiday Weekend Happenings

First of all, how the hell is it already June! It feels like I was just ringing in the New Year and all of a sudden we are knocking on summer’s door. How did this happen!?
Annyywayys, hope you all had a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend. Aside from moving, I had a lovely little holiday weekend. Tayla got into town Friday afternoon, and we had a wonderful evening in while we gorged on McDonalds, brownies, and Idiot Abroad. As per the usual, we spent the night scream-laughing over anything and everything. The following day we headed to Folklife, the perfect hippie festival that takes place at the Seattle Center. It was so nice to enjoy one last event from my apartment. We shopped, listened to music, and ate the best freaking corndog there ever was. It was a delightful afternoon.
Saturday evening, we babysat my boss’s precious 3-month old baby boy and woofed down some Greek Food while watching Bridesmaids. Pretty close to heaven if you ask me.
Sunday was my last full day in my apartment, and we certainly made the most of it. We kicked the day off at Buckley’s for a tasty brunch #bitcheslovebrunch. Once we scarfed down every last bite of chicken fried steak, we headed back to my apartment to binge watch some Netflix and soak up the last few hours in my place. After ordering an early dinner, our friend Katherine headed over and we pre-funked for an evening out. We obviously found ourselves at Ozzie’s and spent the night drinking way too much and listening to ALL the karaoke. Highlights included a drunk beezy high-kicking a drink out of the bartender’s hand, someone singing “This Christmas” with a little “Baby Got Back” mixed in, and finally a guy dancing a little too hard to N*Sync and Bye Bye Byeing Tayla’s vodka soda right out of her hand. All in all, it was a pretty epic evening, and we completed the night with a trip to Dicks.
 Needless to say, we woke up Monday Morning (aka Memorial Day aka Moving Day) with WICKED hangovers. It was a rough start, but the three of us along with my boss and my new roommate’s girlfriend, Meegan, we got most of the small things cleared out and into the new apartment. The struggle bus really arrived when we finally got the uHaul and started moving big stuff. First, we moved all of the boys’ stuff to our new apartment which went off without a hitch. Then it was time to move two of our other friends’ into their new place. Holy Shit! What a nightmare. Of course they had a billion stairs and the NARROWEST doorways I have ever seen. How we ever got that couch in, I will never know.

Finally, it was time to gather the remainder of my things (an ENTIRE uHaul, btw) and make the final trip into the new place. Starving and exhausted, we grabbed a late dinner, and crashed in the middle of our new place.
Yesterday was spent organizing, cleaning, and turning in the keys to my old place. It was bittersweet to close the door to my old place, but as they say… When one door closes.
After a long and exhausting weekend, it was finally time to share a celebratory glass of scotch with the roomies and toast to new beginnings.  
Here is to long weekends, heavy boxes, and incredibly helpful friends. Cheers!

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