Monday, August 1, 2016

Goodbye, July

You like that little rhyme? Yeah, me too. Anyways, Happy Monday, Summer Loves! I am sad to report that I have no iPhone photos or funny stories from the weekend to share, but I may just have a special treat to make up for it! Introducing, my weekend via hot dogs. Boom.

Friday: The Seattle Dog
After work, Zach and I headed straight for the ball park where I had the pleasure of watching his team win for the second time this season. Can you say good luck charm!? It was a wonderful night to be on the field, and even better to be surrounded by great friends. Afterwards we went out for a few drinks and a Seattle Dog. Talk about the perfect start to the weekend.

Saturday: BBQ Hotdog with Bacon and Peanut Butter
I am devastated to report that this was the hot dog that never was… A missed connection if you will. My day started off a HUGE success. Zach and I got my new couch moved in to my apartment and moved almost all of his things into his new place. We had a killer lunch and then made our way to a friend’s birthday party where the coveted PB&Bacon hotdog resided… Upon arriving we realized we should have brought beer (how this was an afterthought is beyond me), so we hooved it to Fremont Brewing to pick up a six pack. The only issue was that there was a shoe sale just before the brewery…. Need I say more? Sixty bucks, one brand new pair of Birkenstocks, and zero beers later we returned to the birthday party. Want to know what we returned to? The end of hot dog time, that’s what! So yeah, my life is rough. It should be noted that this was my first time at Gasworks park and it was totally awesome, so that almost made up for my hotdog heartbreak… Almost. We mingled for a bit longer, then headed to Zach’s haircut where I dipped out real quick for a glass of Rose at a local bar. The remainder of the night was comprised of a happy hour, a torch light parade, more drinks, and Mean Girls. Wins on wins this weekend.

Sunday: Mini Pretzel Dogs
Sunday was exactly what I needed before my life gets totally crazy. Although I worked most of the morning, I was able take it to the porch which made everything okay… Even the resulting iPhone crash and dumbass tan lines. I decided to treat myself to a pedicure and shopping trip… Spoiler alert, the only thing purchased on said shopping spree were mini pretzel dogs with fake cheese and it was the best decision of the day! I ended the night with some friends at a local bar and stayed out wayyy past my bedtime, but it was worth every second.

Hope I wasn’t the only one to get after some hotdogs this weekend!  

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