Saturday, August 13, 2016

Throw Back Saturday?

Well, I think I have reached a new level of ridiculous. It is Saturday morning and I am finally posting about last weekend. Whatever, I'm the worst... Nothing new here. 

Anyways, last weekend, like all my weekends, was a total treat. It was another wedding weekend, which are my absolute fav. This one was for my cousin (okay, third cousin) Kyle and his beautiful bride Sarah. Kyle is one of those people that even when you haven't seen him in years, you feel like you were never apart. My family used to go on a huge annual Seaside trip, and one year Kyle and his little brother came along. The stories from that vacation are endless, and from then on we were all inseparable.... Even with the physical distance. Needless to say, we were all thrilled to be able to celebrate his special day with him. 

After a night in with my mom, the whole family packed up and headed to Eastern Washington where the wedding was to be held. Four hours, one sketchy snack stop, and one quick trip to the mall later... It was wedding time. I totally won when it came to getting ready because my cousin did my hair and she and my sister tag teamed my make up. Basically, I was obsessed with my look for the night and have about a bazillion pics to prove it... So buckle up. 

Also... Did we want to talk about my 20 dollar dress from Old Navy... Because I do! Deal of the freaking century. 

So the ceremony was beautiful... And of course I cried... And then we headed right over to get a table and a glass (or 5) of Rose. Side note, I am obsessed with Rose this year! 

The reception was perfect and got even better when we discovered the photo booth. The couple did such a great job mingling and introducing  all their guests, so we ended up having an incredible time hanging out with the wedding party.

It was such a special weekend, and I am beyond blessed to have been able to celebrate with my incredible family! 

Cheers to all the wedding weekends this summer!

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