Thursday, September 8, 2016

Summer Hangover

Get ready... This is about to be a total "Dear Diary" post!
While I was playing on my phone in the bathroom today at work (don't even judge me, I know you all do it too!), I started flipping through all the pictures on my phone that I should probably get around to posting on Facebook. I couldn't stop smiling about the incredible summer I have had, and seriously cannot believe it is coming to an end. As I come down from the life high I have been on all season, I am filled with all sorts of emotions.
I am kinda sad that my crazy, exciting summer is almost over. I have been looking forward to all the fun activities all year and am feeling a little bummed that they have come and gone. They seem to have happened way too quickly, and it feels a little empty not to have them to look forward to anymore. I am just hoping I can bask in the memories and mental pictures for years to come.

I am also feeling incredibly accomplished. Although it was a lot of work, I have so many wonderful memories to show for it. I love all of the events I helped throw and will cherish each and every one of them for years to come.

Truthfully, I am feeling a little exhausted. I can't even remember the last time I didn't have to set an early morning alarm and have been running out of clean panties on the reg because I haven't even had time for laundry! I love to pretend that I am invincible, but I could probably use a quiet night in... Although there is no doubt in my mind that I would get bored in the time it took to cook up a bag of popcorn and be looking for the next adventure.
Oddly enough, I think I have a minor case of the "Back to School Blues"... I am not quite sure how it is happening since I graduated in 2011 (gasp!), but I have that same feeling I used to get right around Labor Day when classes were just about to start up again. It was always bitter sweet walking back into school. Partially, I would be totally stoked for all the excitement surrounding a new school year.... Friends, football games, boys... All the important things... But a little part of me always missed that easy summertime living. So, even though I don't have to classes to attend, those Back to School ads still give me a little pang of sadness coupled with falltime excitement.
Finally, I feel so lucky to have had such a memorable summer. There is no doubt in my mind that it is one of the best I have ever had, and I can hardly believe all the special events and adventures I filled it with. My heart is completely full, and I will continue to cherish this summertime hangover I've got going.
For now, I am going to gradually ease myself into fall by enjoying what is left of this season. Last night Cole, Zach, and I scored some free tickets to the M's game at a local dive bar (kids, it pays to drink) and enjoyed a chilly summer evening at Safeco. I think I may be able to squeeze in a few more baseball games and maybe even a bon fire or two! 
Here is to summer spirits all year long and savoring every last second of this sweet season.

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