Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Oh heyyyy. Happy Tuesday. I really don’t have a single solid thought going on, just lots of little things running through my head… So I am just going to empty my brain out real quick.
1. The past few weeks have been an interesting blend of “how is it only Tuesday” and “where did my week go” and it is blowing my mind.
2. McDonald’s Oatmeal is seriously on point. Also, I love that McDonald’s has made an appearance in the last TWO posts. #sorrynotsorry #macdsforlife
3. I was kicking myself this morning for not dressing warmer for my commute, but I am kind of loving this little bit of chilly weather before summer hits Seattle. Bring on the boots and scarves while I cherish the cool, crisp weather for just a few more days.
4. I’m loving how refreshed I feel today. I have really been go, go, go since moving into my new place; so I loved having last night to recharge. I got lots of cleaning, vacuuming, and laundry done (love having a washer/dryer in my unit, btw), made dinner, and spent the evening relaxing with one of my roommates. He mentioned how important it was to have nights like that, and today I am realizing how accurate he is. We spent the remainder of the night watching The Breakfast Club and it was just the coziest, most perfect end to a relaxing evening.
5.  Also, the ending of The Breakfast Club is almost TOO good. That shit is cinematic gold! I had forgotten how much I love that movie.
6. My snooze button game has been far too strong lately. I probs need to knock that off.
7. Finally, Facebook just popped up to remind me that it has been FIVE years since I graduated college. Holy Moly. It is making me feel super old, super nostalgic, and super blessed to have had so many friends and family surround me on such a special day. Also, how crazy is it that five years later I live with two of these goons!

Cheers to things and stuff, because that’s really all I’ve got for today!

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